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Social and Behavioral Sciences

Watch College of Arts & Sciences students, faculty, and alumni talk about their majors and their experience at the University of Kentucky.

Lilly Bramley - Anthropology

Lilly Bramley
Goshun Zhang - Economics

Goshun Zhang
Alyssa Hargis - Environmental and Sustainability Studies

Alyssa Hargis
Environmental and Sustainability Studies
Michael Morris - Econ & Environmental and Sustainability Studies

Michael Morris
Environmental and Sustainability Studies
Mariana Escobedo De La Peña

Mariana Escobedo De La Peña
Gender & Womens Studies
Dilni Abeyrathne - Geography, ENS, & International Studies

Dilni Abeyrathne
Geography, ENS, & International Studies
Megan Coffinbargar - Health, Society and Populations

Megan Coffinbargar
Health, Society and Populations
Evan Nixon - Political Science

Evan Nixon
Political Science
Chimene Ntakarutimana - Pre-Law and Psychology

Chimene Ntakarutimana
Pre-Law and Psychology
Sydney Lilley - Psychology

Sydney Lilley
Lauren Miller - Psychology
Lauren Miller
Psychology, Class of 2006
Will Seidelman - Psychology
Will Seidelman
Psychology, Class of 2009
Cherish Harris - Psychology and Sociology

Cherish Harris
Psychology and Sociology
Jack Nzerhumana - Psychology and Neuroscience

Jack Nzerhumana
Psychology and Neuroscience