Through Exploratory Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, you can try out many of your interests and develop new skills before fully immersing yourself in a major. During your first two semesters you will work closely your professional advisor to refine your interests, complete general education requirements, and select a major that aligns with your academic and career goals.
Required Courses
As an exploratory student in Humanities and Social Sciences, you can focus your first two semesters on completing your UK Core requirements. This will allow you to choose courses in many diverse fields within the humanities and social sciences, while also satisfying your general education requirements.
First-Year Schedule
Below, is a typical first-year schedule for A&S exploratory students in Humanities and Social Sciences. Your courses may be slightly different, based on placement testing and courses you've already taken through dual enrollment or Advanced Placement (AP).
Fall Semester | 17 Credit Hours | Spring Semester | 16 Credit Hours |
Foreign Language 101 MA 111: Intro to Contemporary Mathematics* UK 101: Academic Orientation UK Core Humanities UK Core Social Sciences WRD 110: Composition & Communication I | 4 3
3 3 3 | Foreign Language 102 UK Core Global Dynamics UK Core Natural, Physical, Mathematical Sciences UK Core U.S. Citizenship WRD 111: Composition & Communication II | 4 3 3
3 |
*Students planning to major in Economics or Foreign Language & International Economics must complete a math sequence leading to MA 123/162 or MA 113. Speak with your professional advisor about math placement and course sequencing.
Related Programs
- African American & Africana Studies
- Anthropology
- Economics
- English
- Environmental & Sustainability Studies
- Foreign Language & International Economics
- Gender & Women’s Studies
- Geography
- Health, Society & Populations
- History
- International Studies
- Law and Justice
- Liberal Studies
- Linguistics
- Modern & Classical Languages, Literatures & Cultures
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Topical Studies
- US Culture & Business Practices
- Writing, Rhetoric & Digital Studies